Archive | September, 2015

Resetting Iphone 4s(29-09-15)

Got back my Iphone 4s sometime ago. When I got it back it had a pin and I had to reset the phone to default settings to get rid of the pin. I followed the method on it says to try to upgrade first before restoring but it doesn’t seem to work. It always […]

Look back at infinilogy (24-09-15)

Looking back at the infinilogy  project brings me tears of joy sweat and blood of not just me but also the developers, the users that have been with me through the journey. The modules we have neglected because we were developing on other projects or because because we were working on other parts. The mistakes […]

Vacation in the Philippines (24-09-15)

Went to Philippines Clark. Took the Jeepney around. The few terms I have learnt in Tagalog is Selamat, which is like thank you. On the Jeepney if you are at the terminal you buy some coloured tickets. Then if you are on the road you just pay the driver. The price is around 8 pesos. […]

Infinilogy update (04-09-15)

During these few weeks we have been busy solving the problems with infinilogy that have been plaguing the system from the start and we have been proud to announce that infinilogy is near towards v1.5 which means that most modules will be stable for use. v2 is also in the works which most of the […]