review of iphone playerxtreme and oplayer (01-07-15)

Just bought the iphone playerxtreme a fee days along due to looking at the reviews and a lot of places saying it is the best player for the iphone. I was disappointed with it. Mainly cause the playing was always giving me problems when i was forwarding the video. Then i changed to another video player. Downloaded the trial and it was quite nice. The videos that i played on it wasnt giving me the problems that playerxtreme was giving me so i bought the full version. The complain that i have with it was when you download files with the lite oplayer and after u pay for the full oplayer the files wont appear on the full version. and transfering them from the lite to the full version is a pain and sometimes it doesnt go too well. well i had to go download the files over again it took a while but well the videos are playing fine

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